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Arnold Refuses To Offend!

Anthony Pignataro:

That was some, um, well, thing with the governor candidates yesterday down in Long Beach yesterday, wasn’t it? There on one historic stage was Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, Democrat Jerry Brown, Republican Meg Whitman and NBC talking head Matt Lauer — it was a virtual Mount Rushmore of mediocrity.

Yeah, Lauer yacked about negative ads, and Brown and Whitman hemmed and hawwed about pulling them off the airwaves (Earth to Lauer: They will never do this). But the real high point of the event was when Schwarzenegger finally explained why he has not endorsed a successor: he didn’t want to “offend” anyone in the “fragile” coalition battling Proposition 23.

“It’s not bout me endorsing someone because I’m irrelevant in all this,” our beloved (22 percent approval rating) governor said, according to this story. “What is relevant is that California moves forward and that we have an environmental policy that stays alive, that does not get destroyed. This is Democrats and Republicans and business, everyone working together. I’m not going to disrupt that relationship.. I’m going to run through the finish line. After I vote Nov. 2, I will tell you.”

Oh man, I don’t even know where to start, except perhaps by noting that the “fragile” coalition fighting Prop 23 is currently raising TWICE as much money as the pro-Prop 23 campaign.

But I digress to this gem that also appeared in the article which I haven’t seen anywhere else:

“The governor, who came into office in the 2003 recall election, painted a rosy picture of his seven-year tenure. Asked to give himself a letter grade, he replied that he had earned a ‘straight 10’…”

This is all a big joke, right? Please tell me it is and that I’m going to wake up soon and someone rational like Tom McClintock or Leon Panetta or Chris Rock  is actually governor and all is well with world…

OCT. 27, 2010

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