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Two former CA governors speak

Katy Grimes: Former California Governor Gray Davis seems so excited tonight. He was just interviewed, and appears giddy with the excitement of a Jerry Brown gubernatorial win. Davis said only moments ago, “If anyone can lead California out of the ditch we are in, it’s Jerry.”

It’s actually funny to see Davis giddy – and a little unnerving. California voters thought Davis was gone for good after recalling him in 2003.

And while former Governor Pete Wilson was not recalled and instead served two consecutive terms, voters did not expect to see him quite so boldly involved in another gubernatorial campaign.

But Wilson also just made an announcement. From the Whitman election party, Wilson said Brown is leading by less than 89,000 votes. Wilson indicated that Whitman has not lost yet, particularly after the Secretary of State website crashed, intimating that the crash is suspect. “I’ll not say anything else about that,” said Wilson. Ahem, ahem.

It’s going to be a long night, and it doesn’t appear that California is going to be enjoying the sweeping changes the rest of the country is witnessing tonight.

NOV. 2, 2010

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