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House of Tears

Anthony Pignataro:

Newly elected Speaker of the House John Boehner is a cry-baby. That’s the upshot of the not-so-big interview this week with newly elected House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi in the New York Times Magazine. To wit:

NYTMAG: What about John Boehner, the Ohio Republican who is expected to succeed you as House speaker in January? Did you see him tearing up on election night as he addressed his supporters?

PELOSI: You know what? He is known to cry. He cries sometimes when we’re having a debate on bills. If I cry, it’s about the personal loss of a friend or something like that. But when it comes to politics — no, I don’t cry. I would never think of crying about any loss of an office, because that’s always a possibility, and if you’re professional, then you deal with it professionally.

The irony here is that Pelosi is basically calling Boehner weak and girly, even though he thoroughly routed the House Democrats, reducing them to minority status for at least the next few election cycles. But hey, I’m not a political journalist, so what do I know.

NOV. 22, 2010

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