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Students Protest For Entitlements

Katy Grimes: On the west steps of the Capitol today a small group of college students protested the proposed cuts to public university and community college budgets — schools which the California taxpayers already subsidize. And right along with the

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Kings Or Not, Sacto Can't Be ‘World Class’

The Maloofs should leave town and take Mayor Johnson and his blather about “world-class cities” with them. FEB. 28, 2011 By STEVEN GREENHUT As Sacramento Kings owners’ Joe and Gavin Maloof ponder moving their basketball team to Anaheim, Sacramento area

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Cowboy Cops Pollute Sac Streets

Steven Greenhut: I just saw a Sacramento city police officer take off on horse like a bat out of hell after a man clad in business attire crossed the street before the light changed to green. There were no cars

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Poisonous Budget Spider Uncovered

FEB. 28, 2011 BY WAYNE LUSVARDI There is a line in Sir Walter Scott’s novel Ivanhoe where a gentleman is… advised to remember that all the wealth he had acquired by sucking the blood of miserable victims had but swelled

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Pensions Before The Poor!

FEB. 28, 2011 By TROY ANDERSON For years, officials in California have used accounting gimmicks, stimulus funds and the state credit card to keep the safety net intact. But experts say the state may have run out of tricks. Facing

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Advocates Advance New Pot Initiative

FEB. 28, 2011 By STEVE KUBBY The November 2012 presidential election affords proponents of a ballot initiative to change state law concerning the regulation of marijuana a strong opportunity for success. The most significant consideration is that the California electorate

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Sacramento's Identity Crisis

FEB. 28, 2011 For several years Sacramento has waged a debate over whether our NBA team, The Sacramento Kings, will leave town for greener pastures and deeper pockets. As a Sacramento native, I remember very well the fanfare surrounding the

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Can California Mimic Wisconsin?

FEB. 28, 2011 If a real union reform battle can take place in Wisconsin and spread to other liberal rust-belt, union-dominated states, then it could perhaps happen in California —- although it might take some time, given the political dynamic

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