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Little Hoover: Cut Current Pensions

John Seiler: It’s not Wisconsin — yet. But today the Little Hoover Commission released a new report on California pensions that pushed forward the serious cutting of government-worker costs on the state budget. “Public Pensions for Retirement Security” is 106

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Gov. Gets Snarky With Harkey

Katy Grimes: In a surprise appearance today, Governor Jerry Brown met with the Conference Committee on the Budget in order to push legislators to vote for his proposal to place tax increase extensions on the ballot in a June special

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Bulldoze Williamson Act Subsidies?

Feb. 24, 2011 By DAVE ROBERTS There is much wailing and gnashing of teeth over Gov. Jerry Brown’s proposed budget cuts, but the outcry over elimination of state subsidies for millionaire landowners may be overkill. Brown has zeroed out funding

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Economist on Government Unions

John Seiler: Economist Thomas DiLorenzo, who recently testified in Congress before Ron Paul’s subcommittee on monetary policy, has a great new article on public-employee unions. He writes: The main reason why so many state and local governments are bankrupt, or

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2/3 Wis. 8th Graders Not Proficient

John Seiler: Wisconsin teachers have been on strike. And they object to Gov. Scott Walker’s move to end or limit collective bargaining. They’re also the highest-paid teachers in the Midwest. So, how well are they teaching? This is from CNS

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Decent Bill to Ban Redevelopment

John Seiler: After Gov. Jerry Brown in January proposed ending redevelopment to save $1.7 billion currently wasted, cities took action: They worked to lock up the money for themselves. Now, Brown is advancing a bill that would allow the state

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CARB Dumps On Dump Truck Industry

FEB. 23, 2011 For Lee Brown, who’s run a dump truck company in Upland for the last 20 years, business is as bad as it has ever been. The construction industry in California is half of what it was three

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