Back to homepageFree the Rail Ridership Committee!
APRIL 27, 2011 You’d think that an agency spending millions of dollars on public relations would know to discuss one of its most controversial issues in public, where outside experts and members of the public can steadily review any and
Read MoreGreenhut-Berardino Debate on Pensions
APRIL 27, 2011 By JOHN SEILER It was the Great Pension Debate. Yesterday Steven Greenhut, editor-in-chief of, debated Nick Berardino, general manager of the Orange County Employees Association, a government union. It was held at the Pacific Club in
Read MoreL.A. Times Goes Tax Berserk
John Seiler: The L.A. Times’ tax obsession goes back decades. I remember back when George Deukmejian was governor (1982-1990), the Times was especially fanatical about increasing taxes. So one of the governor’s advisers sent the Times management an unofficial bill
Read MoreCalif. Descends Into Class Warfare
APRIL 27, 2011 With the sharp political divide found in just about every issue today, class warfare has taken an interesting turn. Issues including education, food choices, housing, health care and even pet care no longer are just defined as
Read MoreHigh-Speed Rail Crashes Into Legislature
APRIL 27, 2011 By KATY GRIMES The costs and the legislation for the California High-Speed Rail Authority keep speeding toward a train wreck. When the voters of California approved Proposition 1A in November 2008, they authorized $9.95 billion in general
Read MoreLatinos Identify as Conservative
John Seiler: One of the curious findings of the weekend’s L.A. Times/USC poll was that Latinos call themselves “conservative” by 40 percent, “moderate” percent 32 and “liberal” 23 percent. See Question 74. That means Latinos are more conservative that whites,
Read MoreThe Return of Bilingual Ed Plague?
APRIL 26, 2011 By JOHN SEILER Bilingual education may be creeping back in California. Yesterday’s Los Angeles Times included an op-ed by Ruben Martinez, a professor of literature and writing at Loyola Marymount University, about a new bilingual ed program at the
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