Will Gov. Brown Suspend AB 32?

APRIL 20, 2011 By JOHN SEILER In negotiating, each party are expected at some point to put forth a “good-faith effort” to show that it is serious — that it will give something in return for gaining something. So far

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S.F. Liberals Cut Taxes!

John Seiler: Some liberals in California, at least, understand that taxes are too high and need to be cut. And those liberals run the ultra-liberal city of San Francisco. Reports the Bay Citizen: San Francisco lawmakers approved the mid-Market “Twitter tax

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The Bad Bill Mill, Part I

APRIL 19, 2011 By KATY GRIMES Talking about bad bills churning out of the state Capitol may seem as silly as critiquing the dining selections at a Denny’s. But it is a realistic discussion. California is experiencing a horrific financial crisis.

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Arnold's Back — Crass as Ever

APRIL 19, 2011 By JOHN SEILER Since he left office in disgrace on January 3, we haven’t heard much from ex-Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger-Kennedy Shriver. After spending seven years in office wrecking the state, he’s mostly kept to himself. Despite his

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Gov. Jerry's Pension 'Reform' Joke

John Seiler: Just over 100 days old, we’re getting to see how the Brown administration has one guiding principle: of the unions, by the unions, for the unions. Last month, Gov. Jerry proposed a pathetic pension “reform” that my colleague

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Green Catch-23 Hurts Hydro Power

APRIL 19, 2011 By WAYNE LUSVARDI If a Catch-22 is a choice between two equally undesirable alternatives, California’s mandate to purchase green power must be one more than a Catch-22 – it must be a Catch-23. This is because California’s

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Sacto's Ongoing Redevelopment Disaster

APRIL 19, 2011 By RICHARD TRAINOR Since its inception in 1953, the Sacramento Housing and Redevelopment  Agency has been driven by scandals, sweetheart deals for connected developers, cockeyed projects and ineptitude. In 1991, this reporter wrote the official history of

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