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Todd Spitzer = Gloria Allred

Steven Greenhut: Former Assemblyman Todd Spitzer is running to once again win a seat on the county board of supervisors. His underdog opponent Deborah Pauly certainly pegged Spitzer during a recent debate, referring to him as the male version of Gloria Allred, the publicity seeking attorney. Politically active people in Orange County know that the most dangerous place to be is between Spitzer and a TV camera. His is a shameless publicity hound whose raw ambition certainly rivals that of Allred. I remember during the wildfires when he dressed in yellow first responder boots and vest to give the impression he was putting out fires even though he was an elected official doing nothing more than holding press conferences. Spitzer is a close union ally who — finger in the wind — now says he regrets spiking pensions for his union allies even though he was tripping over himself to do the union bidding. When the pendulum swings in the other direction, you know where the shameless Spitzer will be. He epitomizes almost everything that’s wrong with public life these days, yet he has the support of mainstream OC Republicans and holds, by his own boastful press release, an 800-1 cash-on-hand advantage over Pauly. In the Spitzer/union/Allred world, money and power is what matters. Forget about anything else.

feb. 2, 2012

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