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What’s the Deal With Voter ID?

John Seiler:

Personally, I don’t think there should be any mandatory government ID cards. Roads should be privatized, allowing the private owners to decide what ID, if any, is needed to use them. Minors buying booze should be determined by parents, not government.

But it is reasonable to ask for a government ID in a government election of a government politician for a government office.

Yet U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder now is suing Texas for requiring a government ID in a government election of a government politician for a government office. Supposedly, the right to vote of minorities is being infringed. But how hard is it for minorities — or anyone — to get either a state driver’s license, or (for non-drivers) a state ID card? Not hard at all.

OK, if Texas’ DMV is as slow and incompetent as California’s, maybe he could sue them for long lines. But that’s it.

Question: When Holder’s employees come to work at the U.S. Justice Department, do they have to show a government ID card?

Answer: Of course they do. So maybe he should sue himself.

Approval of voter ID is settled case law. As recently as 2008, the U.S. Supreme Court allowed them in 6-3 vote involving Indiana’s voter ID law. The majority opinion was written by Justice John Paul Stevens, one of the most liberal ever on the court. He wrote, “The state interests identified as justifications for [the law] are both neutral and sufficiently strong to require us to reject” the lawsuit.

Of course, what’s really going on here is a desire to spread massive voter fraud from President Obama’s base in Chicago, where the dead notoriously vote again and again, to the whole country, thus assuring the president’s re-election. As the old Chicagoland saying has it, “Voter early and vote often.”

The country already has had enough questionable elections. Vote fraud still hangs over the Florida “hanging chads” in the 2000 election of Republican President George Bush, and the Ohio vote counting in his 2004 re-election.

Holder and his boss must know that they won’t win these cases. But the can cause enough confusion until Obama’s November re-election possibly to give them an edge.

Democracy depends on honest elections. What we’re getting is a slide into Third World corruption.

March 15, 2012

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