Back to homepageMeyerson makes ridiculous attack on GOP
Aug. 31, 2012 By John Seiler I have a lot of problems with the Republican Party. They don’t come nearly close enough to supporting as much liberty as I do. But it’s also worth pointing out ridiculous attacks on them,
Read MoreChamber launches ‘California Comeback’
Aug. 31, 2012 By Joseph Perkins Here’s an ad: “California is struggling … badly. Two million people out of work… Huge deficits… High taxes… Over-regulation…” “Instead of creating jobs, politicians increased spending $30 billion since 2008. And bureaucrats put $37 billion
Read MoreUnions target nannies and farm workers
Aug. 31, 2012 By Katy Grimes Farm workers and nannies have a couple of glaring things in common–they are jobs predominantly held by Hispanic men and women, currently exempted from overtime laws, and are being targeted by labor unions for takeover.
Read MoreAB 296 could make Gov. Brown a global warming ‘denier’
Aug. 31, 2012 By Wayne Lusvardi A piece of legislation may end up putting Gov. Jerry Brown on the global warming “denier” hot seat. It’s AB 296, the Cool Pavements Research and Implementation Act, sponsored by Assembly Member Nancy Skinner, D-Berkeley. That is because if
Read MoreQuantity, not quality, in Calif Assembly
Aug. 30, 2012 Katy Grimes: What do nannies, alcoholic beverages, green jobs, CalEPA, voter registration, absentee voters, manufacturers, online education, the Air Resources Board, and farm workers have in common? There was legislation about each one of these issues this
Read MoreGov. Brown’s pension non-reform
Aug. 30, 2012 By John Seiler As the smoke and the rhetoric have settled, you know pension reform is weak when: a) It’s criticized by an analysis in the Los Angeles Times. c) Ridiculed by the paper’s liberal columnist George
Read MorePolitics pollutes ‘water rights’ bill
Aug. 30, 2012 By Katy Grimes SACRAMENTO — An interesting debate took place Wednesday in the Assembly over a bill granting California residents the “right” to clean drinking water. Is clean drinking water a right? Can the state grant rights
Read MoreProp. 31 would regionalize state revenue sharing
Aug. 30, 2012 By Wayne Lusvardi Despite regionalization failing miserably in the European Union, California is proposing to adopt it as a tax-sharing policy for distributing state funds to local governments if voters approve Proposition 31 on the November ballot.
Read MoreCrazifornia: Dramatic car fleet cuts aren’t dramatic enough
Aug. 30, 2012 By Laer Pearce Gov. Jerry Brown didn’t cut any beat up old Plymouths from the state’s car fleet this Tuesday, but that enduring symbol of his Moonbeam years aside, he did give the fleet a bit of
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