Californians exercise gun rights in Nevada
By John Seiler
When the Soviet Union existed, Russians traveling to the free, capitalist West would pick up goods that were difficult or impossible to get back in the USSR: stereos, cameras, French perfume, etc.
“Disparate gun laws make it easier for residents of California, for example, to travel to Nevada to buy just about any weapon they choose without undergoing background checks. The issue is a topic of discussion in Congress and among state lawmakers across the country.
“California’s laws are among the most stringent in the country. Only seven states, including California, ban the sale of large-capacity magazines. Eleven states, California included, require waiting periods of up to two weeks between the purchase of a gun and the transfer of the gun. The other 39 have no waiting periods.”
Free states respect our sacred Second Amendment “right to keep and bear arms.” States assaulting freedom restrict that freedom.
I wonder how many decent, law-abiding, taxpaying citizens have left California, or soon will, because it restricts Gun Rights. Even if you have one of the scarce jobs not destroyed here by high taxes and regulations, what good is it if it’s increasingly difficult to defend your family against marauding robbers, rapists and murderers?
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