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Boehner crosses Rubicon in CA drought war

In 49 B.C., Julius Caesar and his army crossed the Rubicon River in Italy and triggered a civil war. Thereafter, the term “crossing the Rubicon” has meant a limit that, when passed, permits no return and an irrevocable commitment. Speaker

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Brown’s State of the State: It’s Morning in California

President Ronald Reagan’s 1984 re-election campaign theme boasted: “It’s Morning in America.” He won 49 states, losing only rival Walter Mondale’s native Minnesota. Gov. Jerry Brown’s State of the State address this morning kicked off a similar theme in what effectively

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BOE building gremlins linger in ‘sick’ building

There must be gremlins living in the Board of Equalization building in downtown Sacramento. What else could explain burst water pipes, flooding, mechanical problems, bats, mold, and falling glass? BOE employees have complained for years of safety hazards and moldy,

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Hearing reveals DTSC clogged with regulatory problems

The new year brought the implementation of complex new state legislation passed in 2013 dealing with toxic waste in California. Businesses also must prepare for yet more legislation that was enacted in 2013, but will become effective in 2015. The

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Schwarzenegger sticking to global warming schtick

I remember around 20 years ago Arnold Schwarzenegger explained to a talk-show host how to keep making movie hits. If a film bombed, he said, he analyzed what was wrong — the script, the director, etc. — then corrected it

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Desal can mitigate California’s water woes

In 1961, President John F. Kennedy dedicated the nation’s first saline water conversion plant. A public-private partnership between U.S. Department of Interior and Dow Chemical, the Freeport, Texas plant converted seawater from the Gulf of Mexico into 1 million gallons

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‘Techno-militarization’ seen in CA alarms tech intellectuals

The NSA scandal and the increasing use of technology to police and monitor all Americans, not just suspected terrorists around the world and in our midst, is a growing worry in Silicon Valley. CEOs fret that U.S. tech firms will

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Goal of online tobacco sales ban: more state tax revenue

California may be considered a technology pioneer, but at least one state lawmaker wants to put the brakes on a growing segment of the online retail market. Assemblyman Roger Dickinson, D-Sacramento, has introduced a measure to ban online sales of

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2nd Amendment groups fight CA gun-control laws in court

As fast as California lawmakers can write new gun-control laws, Second Amendment groups are challenging them in court. buy definition essay Earlier this month, a state senator, who has expressed support for racial profiling of ammunition sales, introduced legislation to require background checks

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Life expectancy gains: new front in CA pension funding woes

Daniel Borenstein of the Bay Area Newspaper Group had a sharp column Sunday pointing out that delays in acknowledging gains in life expectancy added to the long-term funding problems faced by CalPERS. “The mortality issue exemplifies how CalPERS has set

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