Berkeley: Poor have right to free pot

Berkeley: Poor have right to free pot

Cheech and chongThis sounds like a Cheech and Chong routine. The People’s Republic of Berkeley has mandated that medical-marijuana dispensaries must give free pot to poor people. As marijuana is legalized in more places, that likely will spread across the country.

In modern America, anything banned soon becomes mandatory.

So here’s a new routine for Cheech and Chong:

Knock on the door.

“Who is it?”

“It’s me. Dave, man. Let me in. I got the stuff.”

“Dave’s not here.”


“Hey, man. I think Social Services saw me. Let me in. I got the stuff and they want some of it for the poor.”

“Dave’s not here.”

“I know, man! I’m Dave. Let me in. Social Services is after me for some of the medical marijuana.”

“Dave’s not here.”

“Hey, I’m Dave. man. Dave. D-A-V-E! Now will you open up the door?”

“Dave’s not here.”



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