SoCal job growth slows

“California’s back!” is Gov. Jerry Brown’s re-election slogan. Certainly, in some areas, such as Silicon Valley, where the Great Recession hardly hurt. But in much of the rest of the state, stagnation still is the order of the day. That’s

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Covered CA premiums set to spike

  For some time, Obamacare critics have warned that health insurance premiums would skyrocket once the Affordable Care Act went into effect. Now they say the leap in premiums, as calculated by state Insurance Commissioner Dave Jones, is just the

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Immigration: Feinstein acts like Chicago Dem, not CA Dem

California Sen. Dianne Feinstein won’t put up with the CIA spying on lawmakers. Her repeated denunciations of the agency this year have been remarkable, considering her decades as a leading figure in the national security establishment. But Feinstein isn’t so

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Prop. 1 bond funds non-water bureaucracy

  Proposition 1, the new $7.5 billion water bond just passed by the Legislature, contains water storage in an statewide bond for the first time since 1965. It will go before voters on Nov. 4. The previous 21 water bonds

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Study: CA cost of doing business high

Yet another study shows that the cost of doing business in California is much higher than in other states. This one is by Andrew Chang & Company for the California Chamber of Commerce. They provide some useful graphs. 1. “California

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High-speed rail opponents file for rehearing

  On Aug. 14, the three litigants in the case to halt California’s high-speed rail project, Kings County and two local residents, filed a Petition for Rehearing. They challenged the July 31 ruling against them by Sacramento’s 3rd District Court

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Geothermal: New front in CA fracking war

The war over fracking in California could soon have a second front. The Economist has become the latest publication to document how the newly refined and improved energy exploration technique using precisely aimed underground water cannons works not just to

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Dreamers leaving CA

The New York Times ran a fascinating graphic showing how California, while still a major destination of those from foreign lands, no longer is the land of opportunity for people from other U.S. states. The Times: California, shown above, has long been the

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Tesla could get enviro exemption

California is known for egalitarianism and extreme environmental laws. But some animals are more equal than others. The Times reported: The state would exempt Tesla Motors Inc. from some of its toughest environmental regulations as part of an incentive package being

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