Gov. Brown’s $23.6 million

As Major Kong in “Dr. Strangelove” is about to begin “nuclear combat toe-to-toe with the Russkies” and start Armageddon, he opens a survival kit aboard his B-52 and says, “Shoot, a fella’ could have a pretty good weekend in Vegas with all that stuff.”
The same thing with Gov. Jerry Brown’s re-election campaign chest of $23.6 million, according to the Los Angeles Times. But which he isn’t spending, according to the Chronicle, because “he’s conducting one of the most unusual re-election campaigns ever witnessed by state voters — one in which he hasn’t starred in a single TV or radio spot, campaign mailer, or Web video.” And he spent just $132,000 in July, August and September.
So, might as well have some fun and let “What happens in Vegas stay in Vegas.”
Meanwhile, Republican opponent Neil Kashkari, who is running at only about 40 percent in polls, holds “about $680,000 in the bank, with $142,000 in unpaid bills.” On the positive side for Kashkari, in 2010 Republican Meg Whitman blew $180 million of her own dough against Brown, and also finished with just 41 percent. So Neel’s votes will cost about 1/180th that of Meg’s.
What will Brown will do with all that campaign moolah he doesn’t spend? Probably not Vegas. Probably another city to the East. Do I hear a special tune?
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