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Brown Cut Only 1% of School “Earmarks”

JUNE 7, 2011 By WAYNE LUSVARDI  The word “mandate” sounds like something absolutely essential and mandatory. However, when it comes to school funding “mandates” in California, it is no guarantee that what is being described is an essential job or

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Bill Would Mandate Union Teacher Jobs

JUNE 2, 2011 By, KATY GRIMES An education bill is being used to increase the power of teachers’ unions. AB 515 is by Assemblywoman Julia Brownley, D-Santa Monica, and was heard and voted on in the Assembly this week. It appears to

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Bee's Glaring Op Ed Omission

Katy Grimes:  Martha Penry, “a special education teacher’s assistant in the Twin Rivers school district” wrote an op ed in today’s Sacramento Bee, defending the escalating and unsustainable spending on California’s public employee pensions, and even blamed “Wall Street greed” for the

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Memorial Day Weekend in So. Cal.

John Seiler: Forget politics for a couple of days. It’s a beautiful Memorial Day weekend in Southern California. Yesterday I took this picture of a 59 Cadillac. What a beauty. It was in front of a Bank of America in

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Community College Tuition Far Too Low

MAY 18, 2011 By RICHARD RIDER Across the state, California community college officials and student activists have been holding coordinated protests.  With the usual claimed victim status, they demand higher taxes to subsidize their academic fantasyland. But these bureaucrats fail

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Will Spending Cutters Rot in Hell?

MAY 17, 2011 By WAYNE LUSVARDI In my hometown of Pasadena, and I suspect statewide, there is a concerted effort of local religious leaders to bombard local newspapers with letters advocating a state increase in taxes to save public schools.

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Illegals Could Enjoy In-State Tuition

MAY 16, 2011 By KATY GRIMES Should illegal immigrants be allowed to access California’s higher education system at the same tuition rate as students who are legal residents of the state? That question was legislatively answered last week when the

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Griping Teachers & Bad Grammar

Katy Grimes: Sitting in the Capitol lunchroom Wednesday after the big Senate education hearing, I overheard some interesting comments from the teachers union activists. Wearing matching blue t-shirts that read, “CTA – We Are One,” it was evident that these

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Education Reform Dies At Capitol

MAY 12, 2011 By KATY GRIMES As teachers union activists descended upon the Capitol this week, it was clear that education reform was not foremost on the agenda. Instead, the priority was preserving union jobs. Wednesday, as hundreds of teachers observed

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Another L.A. Unified Boondoggle

John Seiler: Gov. Jerry Brown and the teachers unions (but I repeat myself) are lobbying for $12 billion in tax increases “for the children.” The kids will suffer, supposedly, if massive cuts are made to their schools. (Never mind that

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