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Tag "9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals"

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Federal appeals court protects CA medical marijuana use

This November, California voters will vote on Proposition 64 and decide whether their state should become the third after Colorado and Washington to make it legal under state law for adults to smoke pot recreationally. But advocates of legal recreational

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When Anthony Kennedy was a ‘bashful’ CA lobbyist

Justice Anthony Kennedy, the author of last week’s historic Supreme Court decision making gay marriage the law of the land, is a Californian through and through. Here’s part of his official court bio: Kennedy was born in Sacramento, California, on

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Gov. Brown thinks long with young CA high-court picks

Jerry Brown will be 80 when his fourth and final term as governor ends in 2018. But it’s plain that he hopes to leave a mark on California life for 40 years after he’s gone — not with the bullet

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Immigration amnesty not nearly as popular in CA as gay rights

There really has been a genuine change in American views of gay rights. The longer the Republican Party sees its members look at this new world and then act out in the fashion of the Arizona legislature, the harder it

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In helping unions, state Supreme Court makes like 9th Circuit

Dec. 29, 2013 By Chris Reed In 2004, in a case involving union pickets on the property of a California grocery state, the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia explicitly ruled that they had no special

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