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Tag "AB 32"

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How California Senate leader’s 100% renewable energy bill lost its way

From pioneering air-pollution control programs in Los Angeles County in the 1940s to setting nationally copied standards on fuel efficiency and emissions to the 2006 passage of AB32, the state’s landmark anti-global warming law, California has long been proud of

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Assembly GOP leader survives ouster bid, but other challenges expected

Assembly Republican Leader Chad Mayes, R-Yucca Valley, survived a bid to oust him on Monday night at a caucus of the 25 GOP Assembly members in Sacramento. Ten Republicans voted for his removal, three short of a majority. Nevertheless, anger

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AB32, Trump help Schwarzenegger repair reputation

In 2011, after his seven-year run as governor, Arnold Schwarzenegger had plenty of reasons to worry about how his time in elected office might be remembered. It wasn’t just that he was widely viewed as an under-performing leader who never

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Gov. Brown’s legacy push on climate change in trouble

It was just nine months ago that Gov. Jerry Brown basked in the spotlight at the United Nations climate change conference in Paris. The governor heard praise from officials from dozens of nations for how California has implemented AB32, the

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‘Jungle primary’ effects could doom AB32’s renewal

California’s shift to “jungle primaries” in which the top two candidates advance regardless of party hasn’t resulted in significant changes in state politics, Mother Jones reported in early 2015. A 2014 Los Angeles Times op-ed was similarly dismissive of the

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CA pollution credits may expand to troubled Brazil

In late 2012, as officials with the California Air Resources Board were refining rules for the state’s nascent cap-and-trade pollution rights program, a huge scandal was unfolding in the European Union. Five Deutsche Bank AG officials were arrested for their

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Legislature challenges legality of Brown’s greenhouse gas emissions order

When Gov. Jerry Brown issued an executive order a year ago this week establishing even more ambitious targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 2030, the action won broad applause from Democrats who support his aggressive agenda targeting climate change.

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Minimum-wage law’s opt-out provision unlikely to be used by governor

A California governor is asked to sign historic, far-reaching legislation that could have unknown consequences — and tells the Legislature he will only go along if there is an escape clause that can be used if the law causes economic

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Solar plant nearly forced to buy carbon emission rights

The giant $2.2 billion Ivanpah solar plant off Interstate 15 just west of the California-Nevada border has apparently won its fight with state regulators and won’t be classified as a heavy polluter that is required to buy carbon-emissions rights in

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Coal and California: State not as green as it may seem

California regularly wins national acclaim for AB32 and other state laws pushing the Golden State toward the use of cleaner renewable power. A recent New York Times editorial page blog post was typical. But on niche websites devoted to energy

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