Tag "Arnold Schwarzenegger"

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Assemblyman Calls CARB Out

Katy Grimes: UPDATED: 3/1/2012 Assemblyman Brian Jones crisply expressed his frustration today at an Assembly Budget Committee hearing, when he called-out  Mary Nichols for not attending the hearing. Nichols is the California Air Resources Board Director. “CARB is a rogue agency,”

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Santa Barbara Oil Leases Reopened?

FEB. 17, 2012 By WAYNE LUSVARDI The Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure of the U.S. House of Representative approved a bill on Thursday Feb. 16. It was HR 7, the American Energy and Infrastructure Jobs Act. It would authorize the

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Blackout Shows CA Is Third World

FEB. 15, 2012 By JOHN SEILER More evidence California has descended into Third World status: Yesterday evening I sat in the dark in my apartment for two and a half hours as a blackout blanketed Huntington Beach. The Orange County

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‘I Feel Duped on Climate Change’

John Seiler: The keystone of economic and technological growth in California for the next century is AB 32, the Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006. It was signed into law by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger with great fanfare. And it has

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CA Launches Green Chemistry Inquisition

FEB. 6, 2012 By WAYNE LUSVARDI No one expects the California Green Chemistry Inquisition. In post-industrial California, the California Department of Toxic Substances Control has launched an inquisition called the Green Chemistry Initiative to determine if there are safer alternatives

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Brown Right to Cut Women’s Commission

FEB. 6, 2012 Any time there is a chick-fest at the Capitol, eyes roll. Last week a legislative hearing about women wasn’t the usual love fest of everything woman. This whining group was lobbying to save a state commission from

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Think Long Comes Up Short

The following first appeared in City Journal California. FEB. 2, 2012 By STEVEN GREENHUT California’s ongoing budgetary and political dysfunction has spawned a host of reformers backed by wealthy donors. The latest scheme, released with much fanfare in late November,

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CARB versus the Carburetor

JAN. 31, 2012 By KATY GRIMES The carburetor is losing the battle in California. Instead of acknowledging that auto designers and manufacturers are continually refining the internal combustion engine for efficiency, global warming activists want to scrap the engine. In

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Bored CA Billionaire Groups Merge

JAN. 28, 2012 “Think Forward and Long” or “Think Long and Forward California.” I suggest one of those as the new name for the merging government reform groups California Forward and Think Long.  Because the ridiculousness of the name should be as

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Root Canal For Single-Payer Health Bill

JAN. 26, 2012 By KATY GRIMES Despite warnings that tooth decay in children can lead to a life in prison, the latest attempt at a single-payer health care bill in California failed to pass the Senate Thursday. Surprising many supporters,

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