Tag "Arnold Schwarzenegger"

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Extremists Under the Bed!

John Seiler: The Extremists are Coming! In the comments section to my blog yesterday, “Recall Jerry Brown!” , are two related comments. Jeff Gallagher wrote: It’s clear that the Republicans have been unable to field a viable candidate [for governor]

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California Could Kill Electoral College

MAY 19, 2011 By KATY GRIMES Democrats are pushing a bill that, opponents say, could devastate the Republican Party in California. Yet several Republicans have signed on to the cause. The stated intent of the bill, AB 459, is to

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State Threatens Parks Closures

MAY 18, 2011 It was an unseasonably cool and rainy Sunday afternoon, and there were about two dozen of us standing under the entry porch of the Governor’s Mansion on Sunday. Usually just two or three tourists show up these

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CA Also Should Split from Arnold

John Seiler: Maria Shriver has split from ex-Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger because she was tired of being treated badly and lied to, especially about his “love child.” California also should split from his policies. Although he’s gone from office, his seven

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Arnold Was Detached As Gov.

John Seiler: As I’ve said before, the problems between ex-Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and his estranged wife, Maria Shriver, are their business. But news articles on their split have brought up some interesting tidbits about why he was such an abysmal

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John's May Revise Predictions

John Seiler: Gov. Jerry Brown next Monday will produce his May Revise to his January Budget proposal. Here are my predictions. The base line is that the January proposal included $12 billion in tax increases. Republicans have balked at that.

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LAO Rings Death Knell for High-Speed Rail

APRIL 11, 2011 By JOHN SEILER The high-speed choo-choo is dead. A new report by the Legislative Analyst effectively drives a silver railroad spike through its heart. In 2008, voters passed Proposition 1A, the grandiloquently named Safe, Reliable High-Speed Passenger Train

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Arnold and Maria are Splitsville

John Seiler: It’s too bad that ex-Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and his wife, Maria Shriver, are splitting up. That’s their personal business. But it’s worth remembering that Maria dominated Arnold during the last five years of his governorship. Californians thought they

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California Water Cold War Heats Up

MAY 10, 2011 By WAYNE LUSVARDI Long gone are the hot wars of the 1920’s when Los Angeles Department of Water and Power’s William Mulholland took over Mono County and Owens Lake with his own shotgun militia. And local farmers resisted the taking

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CEOs Rank CA Worst State for Business

MAY 5, 2011 By JOHN SEILER Once again, California garners the booby prize for business climate: For the seventh year in a row, CEOs rate Texas as the #1 state in which to do business and California as the worst. North Carolina maintained its #2 rank,

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