Tag "Arnold Schwarzenegger"

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Senate Passes Corrections Contracts

Katy Grimes: Described as “Short Time Gain – Long Time Pain” by Republican Sen. Bob Dutton, the six union deals between the Governor and correctional officers failed to garner the necessary Senate votes for ratification today in the Senate –

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Latinos Identify as Conservative

John Seiler: One of the curious findings of the weekend’s L.A. Times/USC poll was that Latinos call themselves “conservative” by 40 percent, “moderate” percent 32 and “liberal” 23 percent. See Question 74. That means Latinos are more conservative that whites,

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Why Republicans Hate Tax Increases

APRIL 22, 2011 By JOHN SEILER Republicans are ridiculing President Obama’s call to increase taxes on the rich. And in California, so far Republicans in the Legislature have resisted siren calls to join Gov. Jerry Brown and the Democratic legislators

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Will Gov. Brown Suspend AB 32?

APRIL 20, 2011 By JOHN SEILER In negotiating, each party are expected at some point to put forth a “good-faith effort” to show that it is serious — that it will give something in return for gaining something. So far

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The Bad Bill Mill, Part I

APRIL 19, 2011 By KATY GRIMES Talking about bad bills churning out of the state Capitol may seem as silly as critiquing the dining selections at a Denny’s. But it is a realistic discussion. California is experiencing a horrific financial crisis.

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Arnold's Back — Crass as Ever

APRIL 19, 2011 By JOHN SEILER Since he left office in disgrace on January 3, we haven’t heard much from ex-Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger-Kennedy Shriver. After spending seven years in office wrecking the state, he’s mostly kept to himself. Despite his

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CA Jobless Fund Goes Broke

APRIL 15, 2011 Because of California’s disastrous unemployment rate — 12.2 percent at last count — the State Unemployment Fund is in a precarious position. It actually went insolvent two years ago, and pays out benefits today only because of

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Forced March to the May Revise

APRIL 11, 2011 By JOHN SEILER Things are looking bleaker by the day for Gov. Jerry Brown’s proposed $12 billion tax hike. So far, Republicans have remained rock solid against it, denying him the two GOP sellout votes he needs

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No News: Still No Budget

Katy Grimes: Has the California Legislature  jumped the shark, and moved beyond relevance or even recovery? In a moment-in-time characterized by absurdity, the California budget is swiftly becoming a bad joke. There is no budget. There has been no budget. And

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New Warming Bill Would Hit CA Farmers

APRIL 5, 2011 By KATY GRIMES California farmers soon could face strict compliance with AB 32, the Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006. Using the controversial argument that climate change will have a substantial impact on agriculture in California, SB

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