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Tag "Associated Building and Contractors"

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Gov. Brown signs SB 7 to neuter Charter Cities

Despite the California Constitution section which guarantees California's 121 charter cities the authority over their  municipal business, Gov. Jerry Brown signed SB 7, which will deprive these cities of state funding and financial assistance for projects if they do not pay the

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SB 7 subverts charter cities’ autonomy

June 19, 2013 By Katy Grimes While reports of an improving California economy abound, many in the state aren’t buying it — particularly given how many anti-business bills are working through the Legislature. Of particular interest is Senate Bill 7,

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High-Speed Rail hearing cuts off opposing speakers

Feb. 26, 2013 By Katy Grimes SACRAMENTO — At Assembly Transportation Committee hearings in the Capitol on Monday, Assemblywoman Bonnie Lowenthal, D-Long Beach, cut the microphone of two speakers during the three minutes left for public comment at the end. The

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