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New California theme song

June 25, 2012 By John Seiler In a column, George Will waxes nostalgic about the Golden State of the 1960s, whose theme song was the Beach Boys’ “Good Vibrations.” We’re long past that and need a new theme song for

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What Happened to CA Armageddon?

John Seiler: I haven’t noticed the earth quaking. Or thousands of Californians being washed out to drown in the Pacific Ocean, the way Japanese were after their recent earthquake-tsunami. But just a couple of weeks ago Gov. Jerry Brown was

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Thanksgiving for California

Thank you for your wine, California, Thank you for your sweet and bitter fruits. — “Sweet Virginia,” by The Rolling Stones NOV. 23, 2010 By JOHN SEILER California has a lot of problems, with the budget, unemployment and all. But

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First Meg mailer

John Seiler: I finally got my first Meg mailer today. As I wrote earlier, my first two Jerry mailers came a week ago, just as I got my absentee ballot. Who knows why it took her so long. On the

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