Tag "CTA"
Back to homepageDem lawmaker breaks with party over teacher tenure
Assemblywoman Shirley Weber, D-San Diego, is a former San Diego school board president and a longtime San Diego State professor. In an April 24 op-ed, she called for tenure reform — breaking with Democrats in the Legislature who have long
Read MoreSupreme Court has good news for CTA, CFT
A recent U.S. Supreme Court hearing on allegations of racial discrimination in Texas public housing programs may have major implications for Vergara vs. California, the landmark education lawsuit that’s now under appeal after a June 2014 trial-court ruling that created
Read MoreUpbeat S&P report on CA also has CalSTRS warning
The recent Standard & Poor’s report upgrading California’s credit rating prompted headlines not just in the Golden State but in Washington and on Wall Street, where it was depicted as part of Gov. Jerry Brown’s narrative of the state’s continuing
Read MoreSchool bond problems go far beyond LAUSD purchase of iPads
Gov. Jerry Brown’s skepticism about state assistance for local school districts’ construction projects appears to be primarily based on an intense disdain for adding more billions to what he likes to call the state’s “wall of debt.” But a counter
Read MoreChallenge to CA union dues heads to Supreme Court
Are union dues mandatory? The U.S. Supreme Court is closeer to taking up that controversy. According to the Center for Individual Rights, which defends individual workers’ rights not to belong to unions and pay dues, specifically to the California Teachers
Read MoreLAO report: Dozens of school districts not honoring intent of state law
The state Legislative Analyst’s Office released a report last week on how 50 California school districts were dealing with the requirements of the 2013 Local Control Funding Formula law. That’s Gov. Jerry Brown’s ballyhooed reform measure that is meant to
Read MoreBrown may hint at Vergara plans with state education board picks
Gov. Jerry Brown has been vague about whether he agrees with the incendiary premise of last June’s decision in the Vergara case: that state teacher tenure and job protection laws are so likely to steer poor teachers to struggling mostly
Read MoreHarsh impact of CalSTRS bailout begins to emerge
The deal struck in spring 2014 to bail out the underfunded California State Teachers’ Retirement System will lead school districts, the state and teachers to increase their annual contributions to CalSTRS from $5.9 billion in 2014 to at least $10.9
Read MoreTeacher pay raises gobble up Prop 30, LCFF funds
In 2012, California voters approved Proposition 30, which temporarily raised sales taxes on everyone and income taxes on the wealthy. The measure was sold with the promise it would directly help public education. It was “for the kids.” In 2013,
Read MoreUpbeat LAO report lacks key focus: CalSTRS bailout cost
The Legislative Analyst’s Office released an analysis of state revenue this week that suggests the state won’t suffer when temporary tax hikes expire. This is from AP: SACRAMENTO — A steadily improving economy will buffer California’s budget from a drop
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