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Tag "Democrats"

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Democrats again outspend GOP in California primary races

  While maintaining a marked edge in legislative representation across the state, California Democrats notched a different but familiar distinction against Republicans in the 2016 election cycle, new data showed. Consistent with the results of previous races since the implementation

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California Democrats spend significant campaign cash fighting each other because of Prop. 14

New figures on the November 2016 election cycle showed that Golden State Democrats continued to shell out substantial sums to compete with one another for elective office. Numbers taken from the California Secretary of State, and verified with Cal-Access campaign records, illustrate how

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CA Democrats spend $90M in same-party races

A new report tallying the costs of running against members of your own party revealed that Golden State Democrats spent big in 2016 on races without a Republican. This year, “Democrats raised or spent a total of $90.8 million on same-party

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Gov. Brown signs controversial new climate bills

  Over staunch opposition on his right, Gov. Jerry Brown signed several new climate bills into law, aiming to keep California on the regulatory trajectory first set during former Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s administration.  That suite of laws, “in which polluters pay to

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CA Democrats line up to back marijuana legalization

  The executive board of the California Democratic Party has endorsed recreational marijuana, throwing its support behind the ballot measure that has won the support of Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom. Meeting recently in Long Beach, the board voted in favor of the

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Bernie Sanders goes for broke leading up to CA primary

  With California the final battleground in his insurgent campaign to beat Hillary Clinton for the Democrats’ nomination for president, Sen. Bernie Sanders has pulled out the stops, barnstorming the state and demanding a final televised debate, which Clinton has now declined,

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Sanders pins delegate hopes on CA

Hoping to end Bernie Sanders’ surprisingly effective insurgent campaign, Hillary Clinton has shifted her own to California, on the heels of a strong Tuesday performance making her a virtual lock for the Democrats’ nomination for president. Clinton edges Sanders by six points

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Democratic Party faces restive CA activists

Disgruntled Democratic activists in California have begun to buck the national party in key races this election year. After a string of failures in several central valley campaigns, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee has come in for scorn by increasingly independent party members

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CA poised for higher primary profile

Accustomed to languishing at the tail end of the party primary calendar — a dispiriting position for a state that has long been treated as an ATM for East Coast candidates seeking national office — Californians have awoken this year to the

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Key divides vex CA Democrats

As the dominant political party of California, Democrats have begun to fall victim to one of the more humbling rules of power: When your team has few tough battles to fight, it often turns on itself. From politics to economics and

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