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Advancing bill would upend CA religious schools

  California legislators could soon wipe out the social and cultural exemptions afforded to state religious schools that they depend upon for their identity. Senate Bill 1146, now moving through committee in the Assembly, “aims to include all colleges and universities

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Supreme Court ruling appears to help Vergara plaintiffs

A landmark U.S. Supreme Court decision last week that Texas programs implementing the federal Fair Housing Act have had a discriminatory “disparate impact” on minorities — even if there is no evidence of intent to discriminate in the execution of

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CA Supreme Court bars judges from Boy Scouts

In an unexpected exercise of judicial activism, the California Supreme Court has ruled judges must not participate in organizations that practice so-called “invidious” discrimination. It’s a judicial standard interpreted by the court to include the Boy Scouts of America because, although

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Biased zip codes to be integrated by HUD

Apparently I live in a biased, narrow-minded zip code… according to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. What’s the definition? First, look at HUD’s mission: HUD’s mission is to create strong, sustainable, inclusive communities and quality affordable homes

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SCA 5 would repeal much of Prop. 209 anti-discrimination initiative

July 12, 2013 By Josephine Djuhana A resolution that seeks to amend the California Constitution and undo the work of Proposition 209 for institutions of higher education is making its way through Sacramento and will likely be placed on the

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‘Unemployed’ Protected From Employers

Katy Grimes: The state is trying to prevent employers from legally looking into the employment backgrounds of job applicants. A bill claiming to “protect” the unemployed from discrimination by potential employers is making its way through the Legislature. The government

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