Tag "Europe"

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Downside of costly energy dawning on Europe. CA next?

May 24, 2013 By Chris Reed One of the most befuddling things about being a public-policy watcher in California in recent years has been the durability of the argument that the higher energy costs forced by 2006’s passage of AB

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Bad economic news could confound state budget projections

Feb. 15, 2013 By John Seiler Gov. Jerry Brown’s cheery announcements of the state’s budget health are guiding budget spending priorities. As he said in his State of the State address, “The message this year is clear: California has once again

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‘We are now Europe!’

Jan. 30, 2013 By Katy Grimes Rick Santelli, my favorite vociferous and opinionated financial news guru, today said that with the federal government’s release of the latest report finally showing that the economy actually shrunk in the fourth quarter last year, “We are

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