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Tag "European Union"

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CA pollution credits may expand to troubled Brazil

In late 2012, as officials with the California Air Resources Board were refining rules for the state’s nascent cap-and-trade pollution rights program, a huge scandal was unfolding in the European Union. Five Deutsche Bank AG officials were arrested for their

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S.F. politician aims to make city more felon-friendly

San Francisco Supervisor Jane Kim is continuing her push to eliminate some of the life obstacles that people with criminal records face. Her latest proposal, to come before the Board of Supervisors in coming weeks, is to drop the requirement

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Anti-GMO group can’t get labeling bill introduced

The perception that California is a world leader in far-reaching environmental laws has never been true when it comes to GMOs — genetically modified organisms, usually crops that have been altered and the food products they end up in. The

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Downside of costly energy dawning on Europe. CA next?

May 24, 2013 By Chris Reed One of the most befuddling things about being a public-policy watcher in California in recent years has been the durability of the argument that the higher energy costs forced by 2006’s passage of AB

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