Tag "Friedrichs v. CTA"

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CalWatchdog Morning Read – November 21

What Trump means for teachers union Split between CA Dems’ success and national Dems’ failure Wind and solar hope to appeal to Trump Six areas CA and Trump may battle Brown not yet fully embracing role of opposition to Trump 

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Right-to-work states see union membership, revenues drop

With Friedrichs v. CTA pending before the U.S. Supreme Court, stakeholders and spectators alike are curious to see not only the outcome of the court case, but also the greater implications tied to union membership and influence in legislative bodies

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CTA seems resigned to losing landmark dues case

The U.S. Supreme Court’s decision last week to hear Friedrichs v. California Teachers Association drew considerable national attention as having the potential to deliver a body blow to public employee unions. In the case, an Anaheim teacher challenges the 1977 Supreme

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