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Tag "George Skelton"

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Dan Morain (aka George Skelton Jr.) has bullet train ‘scoop’

So a Sacramento Superior Court judge agrees with Quentin Kopp, the father of California’s bullet train, that how the state is pursuing the project flouts state law. So the judge tells the state it has to have all the funds

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Californians like sprawl far more than ‘smart growth’

June 25, 2013 By Chris Reed California’s official embrace of trendy “smart growth” — the policy/religion that assumes it’s best for individuals, communities and Gaia for most people to live in densely packed areas near transportation hubs, so they don’t

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George Skelton wants your bullets

June 17, 2013 By John Seiler The L.A. Times’ anti-gun obsessive George Skelton now wants your bullets. He writes: “From what I’ve been reading, the Santa Monica killer was packing an illegal assault rifle and 40 high-capacity ammunition magazines. He

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Fletcher skeptics vindicated a thousand-fold

May 7, 2013 By Chris Reed For years, Cal Watchdog founder and now regular CWD contributor Steven Greenhut has depicted media favorite Nathan Fletcher, a one-time Republican assemblyman from San Diego, as a phony and a turncoat waiting to happen. Boy,

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Reuters bests state media at covering San Bernardino’s collapse

April 1, 2013 By Chris Reed If you had to fashion a nut graph to explain why so many local California governments are in deep fiscal trouble, here’s my nominee for an honest generic overview: Over the past 20 years,

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Selling fracking to a propagandized CA public

March 17, 2013 By Chris Reed Sunday’s U-T San Diego editorial wraps up a three-part series on fracking with some theories on how Gov. Jerry Brown might sell it to the millions of Californians who are unaware — because of

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Skelton: GOP would win if it became just like Dems

Feb. 19, 2013 By John Seiler L.A. Times columnist George Skelton continues to amuse as he keeps telling Republicans they could win again if they just became like Democrats. After all, Democrats are winners, aren’t they? As the psychologists say,

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Karma time: Unions figure out Obamacare is a nightmare

Feb. 5, 2013 By Chris Reed As I noted in a CalWatchdog post last week, the California media are covering the state government’s aggressive attempts to lead the nation in the early implemenation of Obamacare without bringing up its immense fundamental

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Phil Mickelson’s net state income tax increase: 83.6%!!!!!

Jan. 30, 2013 By Chris Reed Richard Rider, the dean of the small-government/low-tax movement in San Diego County, has come up with some stunning number-crunching on his blog: “Here’s the fact that EVERYONE (including me) initially undervalued concerning [Rancho Santa

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There are no Henry Cuellars among CA’s Democratic pols

Jan. 29, 2013 By Chris Reed As a libertarian believer in free minds and free markets, I’ve watched for decades the uneasy coalition in the Republican Party of libertarians/libertarian lites and determined social conservatives. What the former hold most dear

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