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Tag "Hyperloop"

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High speed rail pushed back 4 more years

  Falling short even of some critics’ expectations, California’s beleaguered high-speed rail was dealt another blow to its credibility as the state’s biggest and most ambitious infrastructure project, with news emerging that the federal government signed off on a massive reschedule that

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Bullet train survives lawsuit, but faces new delays

A California court may have given the state’s beleaguered high-speed rail project enough rope to hang itself. After surviving a major lawsuit, the bullet train will still be coming fully online years later than anticipated. “California’s high-speed train has just been

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Hyperloop soon to break ground

Despite a consistent chorus of criticism from naysayers, the Hyperloop ultra-fast rail project has broken new ground, with a rapid timetable in place for its California debut. Hyperloop Transportation Technologies, one of the leading companies dedicated to taking SpaceX CEO Elon Musk’s revolutionary

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China joins growing interest in CA high speed rail

Seeking to tout its market value, California’s High Speed Rail Authority recently solicited bids for private investment, drawing dozens of responses. “Facing criticism from opponents for the lack of private investors lining up to finance the $68 billion project, the rail authority asked

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Elon Musk’s Hyperloop project races ahead

Elon Musk’s most quixotic project just raced closer to reality. As the latest model of Musk’s Tesla automobile scored the highest-ever rating given by Consumer Reports (99 out of 100) his even more revolutionary Hyperloop concept gained new respect, with one firm

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Hyperloop test track to break CA ground

Elon Musk proposed it years ago. This January, he announced he’d enable teams to test it out on a track in Texas. But the first entrepreneur to ink a deal for a Hyperloop test track will bring the concept to life

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Tech turns from SF to LA

Looking for greener pastures and fresher stomping grounds, California’s top tech players have started a virtual stampede toward Los Angeles. Over the past several years, big names ranging from Google to Facebook to Snapchat to Vice have set up shop

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Silicon Valley jolts CA energy game

The sun is shining on private solar energy. Beyond federal and state efforts, California’s tech titans have upped the ante with momentous new investments that promise to revolutionize electricity production. For years, solar power has been touted by advocates as a major future source

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Buzz returns for Elon Musk’s Hyperloop

Silicon Valley impresario Elon Musk’s Hyperloop transportation concept is back in the news. With a price tag that seemed daunting, especially when Musk warned he lacked the time to pursue the project, when it was advanced a year ago Hyperloop achieved little

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A viable alternative to high-speed rail?

. When Elon Musk talks, people listen. He’s earned street cred — as in Wall Street — from co-founding the company that grew into PayPal; co-founding Tesla Motors, the most successful electric car start-up company; and founding SpaceX, to which

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