Tag "illegal immigration"
Back to homepageImmigration amnesty not nearly as popular in CA as gay rights
There really has been a genuine change in American views of gay rights. The longer the Republican Party sees its members look at this new world and then act out in the fashion of the Arizona legislature, the harder it
Read MoreNew York Times immigration reporter drops pretense of objectivity
Illegal immigration is an issue of great importance in California. It affects our economy, our schools, our social services, our prisons and much more. fast shingles cure Whether you support the status quo, the proposals from President Obama or President
Read MoreBlatant lying by Obama on who is responsible for surge in deportations
By Chris Reed Sept. 21 On Thursday, the Miami Herald reported on the fury in some communities over the surge in deportations under the Obama administration. Among the most important points in the report, titled Immigration Enforcement Actions: 2011, ICE
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