Tag "Jerry Brown"
Back to homepageCalifornia Suffers Most Cities in Decline
APRIL 1, 2011 By WAYNE LUSVARDI Facetiously speaking, Gov. Jerry Brown couldn’t have picked a better time to put taxes on the ballot, rather than work out a budget deal with the Republicans in the State Legislature. The economy is
Read MoreSpending Actually $121 Bill Higher
John Seiler: The wrangling over the $12 billion in taxes in Gov. Jerry Brown’s proposed 2011-12 budget of $86 billion usually ignores something: All the federal tax money California gets. The Bee reports: The federal government gave California’s state government $120.7
Read MoreBring Out the Budget Scissors
MARCH 31, 2011 By JOHN SEILER The voters have spoken: Cut the budget even more. Gov. Jerry Brown and Democrats in the Legislature have spent several months insisting that voters must have the opportunity to approve extensions of Gov. Arnold
Read MoreIs the Budget Kabuki Dance Ending?
MARCH 31, 2011 By KATY GRIMES The budget dance between the Republican legislators and Democratic Gov. Jerry Brown appears to have ended. The auditorium lights have been turned back on, the band is packing up but everyone is still awkwardly
Read MoreI Can't Afford a Tax Increase
John Seiler: I usually make coffee at home. But this morning, I got a Starbucks. Fishing around in my wallet for the money, I noticed I only had a couple of dollars left. Yet I recently patronized the cash machine.
Read MoreBrown's Punch & Judy Budget Show
MARCH 30, 2011 By JOHN SEILER California’s budget comedy resembles an old Punch & Judy puppet show, with Gov. Jerry Brown in the role of Punch, whom Wikipedia describes: He carries a stick as large as himself, which he freely uses
Read MoreWill High-Speed Rail Kill All Rail?
MARCH 30, 2011 The promise of California’s proposed high-speed rail network is unambiguous: the 800 miles of bullet trains across the state will run clean, make money, put people to work and get people out of their cars. “California’s high-speed
Read MoreImport Gov. Cuomo to California!
John Seiler: Why is it that, whether our governors are Democrat or Republican, they always increase taxes? Republican Govs. Wilson and Schwarzenegger increased taxes. So did Democratic Gov. Gray Davis. And Democratic Gov. Jerry Brown now is pushing $12 billion
Read MoreIs the GOP Dead in California?
John Seiler: When I first got interested in politics as a kid in the 1960s, people talked of the “Solid South,” meaning only Democrats got elected there. The region was dominated by old segregationists like Sen. John Stennis of Mississippi
Read MoreWill Brown Hike Taxes w/o Election?
MARCH 28, 2011 By JOHN SEILER If you watch politics long enough, you see everything. The latest is progressives acting like conservatives on the state budget deficit and the liberals’ desire to raise taxes $12 billion. Last week a PPIC
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