Tag "John Seiler"

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Another L.A. Unified Boondoggle

John Seiler: Gov. Jerry Brown and the teachers unions (but I repeat myself) are lobbying for $12 billion in tax increases “for the children.” The kids will suffer, supposedly, if massive cuts are made to their schools. (Never mind that

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Dems Defend Crooked Employees

John Seiler: Sen. Tony Strickland’s bill to strip pensions from public employees who commit financial felonies on the job failed yesterday in committee. All of the majority Democrats opposed SB 115 in the Senate Committee on Public Employees, Retirement and

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CA Dems Hold Looters' Convention

MAY 2, 2011 By JOHN SEILER H.L. Mencken called elections “advanced auctions of stolen goods.” That certainly was true of last November’s election, in which Gov. Jerry Brown and other Democrats auctioned off California taxpayers’ money to the public-employee unions.

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Lockyer: 'We're coming after you!'

John Seiler: In person, state Treasurer Bill Lockyer is a mild-mannered fellow, whom I’ve enjoyed meeting with several times. But his class-warfare rhetoric makes him sound like a California Pol Pot. Here’s what he just said at this weekend’s California

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DiFi Misleads Dem Convention

John Seiler: At this weekend’s convention in Sacramento of the California Democratic Party, Sen. Dianne Feinstein attacked Republicans and Tea Partiers for wrecking the country. True enough, Republicans bear much of the blame. They held the presidency from 2001 to

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Mono County: 59% Vacancy Rate

John Seiler: Here’s what’s really going on in California — while Gov. Jerry Brown, the Democrats in the Legislature and the government-worker unions are plotting how to tax us more to preserve plush union pensions. Reports Yahoo Finance: American Ghost

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Brutal Tax Assault on Internet Sales

APRIL 28, 2011 By JOHN SEILER California’s tax-increase cult is lobbying to grab every last dollar it can tax — the future of the state be damned. The drumbeat is daily. I wrote yesterday how all three top Los Angeles

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Mass. Dems Might Curb Union Power

John Seiler: When Republicans in Wisconsin and Ohio took away some collective-bargaining rights of government-worker unions, we were warned that freedom was over; that the workers’ democratic rights had been suppressed. Supportive demonstrations were held all across the country, including

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Greenhut-Berardino Debate on Pensions

APRIL 27, 2011 By JOHN SEILER It was the Great Pension Debate. Yesterday Steven Greenhut, editor-in-chief of CalWatchDog.com, debated Nick Berardino, general manager of the Orange County Employees Association, a government union. It was held at the Pacific Club in

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L.A. Times Goes Tax Berserk

John Seiler: The L.A. Times’ tax obsession goes back decades. I remember back when George Deukmejian was governor (1982-1990), the Times was especially fanatical about increasing taxes. So one of the governor’s advisers sent the Times management an unofficial bill

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