Tag "John Seiler"

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Minimum wage boost already killing jobs

California’s minimum wage jumped to $9 an hour from $8 on July 1, and further will rise to $10 in 2016. People who still have minimum-wage jobs are enjoying a raise. But the imposition is slamming others. Watchdog.com reported: In a survey of

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Groundwater takeover would prove costly

In 2010, I did some freelance work for Susan Trager, one of California’s top water lawyers. Unfortunately she died in 2011. Even though I had been writing about California since 1987 and had a general idea of state water policy,

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High-speed rail without federal money?

Last week Gov. Jerry Brown said he would continue building the high-speed rail project without federal money. It’s commendable he doesn’t want to burden U.S. taxpayers. But it’s hard to see how the project can be built without federal money,

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Legislature returns for last month

“No man’s life, liberty, or property are safe while the legislature is in session,” Mark Twain supposedly said. That certainly is true in California, where the last month of the legislative session, which we’re now in, always sees a frenzy

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LA, CA still avoiding pension reality

The ultimate pension reform is Detroit-style bankruptcy, with retirees getting less than what they are owed by contract. As the NY Times reported on July 22: “DETROIT — Coming to terms with what came to be seen as inevitable, this

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San Onofre decommissioning: $4.4 billion wasted

According to the U-T, the decommissioning of the San Onofre nuclear powerplant will cost $4.4 billion. The money, of course, will be paid by ratepayers. It is owned mainly by Southern California Edison and SGD&E. Even if stockholders are hit

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Gov. Christie: Not all pensions will be paid

Chris Cristie is the governor of New Jersey. But he has given a wake-up call to all states with public pension problems, including California. The latest: BELMAR, N.J. — Pension reform is going to involve breaking some promises, including reducing benefits

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Median household income crashed 1/3

Wonder why you feel so poor? Because you are. According to a new study by the Russell Sage Foundation, in the last decade median household income crashed by 1/3, from $87,992 in 2003 to $56,335 in 2013. The crash started during the

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In L.A., Obama attacks corporations

During his recent trip to Los Angeles, in which his motorcade blocked a pregnant woman’s path to the maternity ward, President Obama attacked U.S. corporations that flee the massively high taxes he imposes. The corporations merge with foreign corporations, thus paying the

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David Cay Johnston replies to my tax blog

Due to some technical problems, David Cay Johnston’s reply to my blog, “Tax increases boost jobs?,” was delayed two days till this morning. So I’m calling special attention to it here. Check it out and add replies if you wish.

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