Tag "Katy Grimes"

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New America: Parent tossed from public meeting for speaking

“Is this America?” the father of school-aged children asked as he was forcefully removed from a was forcefully removed from a Baltimore County School District meeting during the question-and-answer portion of the forum. The parent, Robert Small, concerned about the school district’s

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FPPC imposes regulation on political bloggers

The California Fair Political Practices Commission just ruled this week to require campaign committees to report to the State who they pay to post “favorable or unfavorable” content on blogs, social media or online videos, on their campaign finance statements. The

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Labor and trade unions oppose CA lead ammo ban

A controversial bill to ban traditional lead ammunition in California by Assemblyman Anthony Rendon, D-Lakewood, passed both houses of the Legislature last week. But according to representatives of labor and trade unions, animal rights activists pressured Rendon and lawmakers to ignore

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Don't tell Mom the babysitter's unionized

If Assemblyman Tom Ammiano has his way, your babysitter soon could join a union and cost you a lot more. The San Francisco Democrat has authored several domestic-worker unionization bills that have been vetoed by California governors. Now he's back

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Sacramento's Convention Center money pit

The Sacramento Convention Center is living proof that even if you build it, they don’t come. Despite insistence from Convention Center officials that the center is an economic driver, a new report shows quite the opposite; the convention center is

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Snake oil sales up along with CA's rosy economy

Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain. You know… the guy who keeps repeating how rosy California's economic recovery is. The numerous reports announcing California's economic recovery appear designed to make consumers feel enough confidence to go out

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CA’s 14 anti-gun bills target legal gun owners

Criminals don’t register their guns with authorities. Despite this indisputable fact, the California Legislature recently passed 14 gun control bills, taking aim at citizens who legally own guns. California lawmakers are ignoring the historic recall last week of two Colorado state

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Boy Scouts and youth groups safe from CA lawmakers… for now

SACRAMENTO — A bill to strip the Boy Scouts of their tax exemption has been shelved… for now. Sen. Ricardo Lara, D-Bell Gardens, decided Thursday to sideline his bill to eliminate the tax-exempt status of nonprofit youth groups that do

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Bills Report 2: Enviro reform hidden under basketball stadium

SACRAMENTO — The California Legislature ended the 2013 legislative session Thursday by passing hundreds of new bills. Most of the controversial bills were passed along party lines. However a bill from Sen. Pres. Pro Tem Darrell Steinberg, D-Sacramento, granting a

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Bills Report 1: Stadium/CEQA, other bills pass…

Here is a quick rundown of some of the bills to pass the California Legislature this week: Fracking regulations bill, SB 4 by Sen. Fran Pavely, D-Auguora Hills. This bill would would impose California’s first regulations on hydraulic fracturing, and other

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