Tag "Katy Grimes"

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LAO Whitewashes Gov. Brown’s Rosy Budget

Jan. 15, 2013 By Katy Grimes SACRAMENTO — “Everything’s Coming Up Roses,” from the Broadway musical Gypsy, should be Gov. Jerry Brown’s new theme song. His 2013-14 budget proposal, released last Thursday, was full of happy news, good times a projected

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Caltrans project drags on, still no lanes

Jan. 15, 2013 By Katy Grimes For at least four to six months, the Capitol City Freeway (I-80) in Sacramento has been devoid of painted lanes. I took this photo last week, driving West on I-80, near P. Street, and

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McClintock: Fiscal Mess a Chance for Republicans to Lead

Jan. 14, 2013 By Katy Grimes We’ve heard so much about the nation’s “fiscal cliff” that we can’t even see the real fiscal mess in front of our faces: the approaching bankruptcy of our nation. So warned Rep. Tom McClintock, R-California,

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Oakland violent crimes No. 3 in country

Jan. 13, 2013 By Katy Grimes A tiny blurb tucked away on page A4 of the Sunday Sacramento Bee today, told about four bloody murders in Oakland on Friday didn’t do the tragic story justice, nor give the whole picture.

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Gov. Brown’s new budget seeks to equalize the unequal

Jan. 10, 2013 By Katy Grimes SACRAMENTO — Many in the state refer to the annual California governor’s January budget proposal as fantasy. Gov. Jerry Brown did not disappoint today as he presented his budget — “balanced and fair,” according

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Gov. Brown to release 2013 budget

Jan. 10, 2013 By Katy Grimes With all of the hoopla surrounding Gov. Jerry Brown’s announcement that he will release his 2013-14 budget proposal today, don’t expect many hard questions of the governor. “If a steady economic recovery continues and

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Pension debt could sink River City

Jan. 9, 2013 By Katy Grimes The bad news delivered last evening to the Sacramento City Council is dire: Sacramento has nearly $2 billion in unfunded liabilities, which include pension contributions and retiree medical benefits, most of which have no

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Lawmakers calling Gov. Brown’s bluff on Prop. 30 revenues

Jan. 8, 2013 By Katy Grimes On the first day of the new legislative session on Monday, two Republican lawmakers wasted no time introducing legislation to add some necessary spending restrictions to Proposition 30. Passed by California voters in November, Prop.

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‘Blazing Trains’ HSR plan resembles comedy Western

Jan. 7, 2013 By Katy Grimes SACRAMENTO — In 1974 Mel Brooks produced a classic comedy about the construction of the railroad into the West. With California Gov. Jerry Brown and Democratic politicians pushing forward to build a high-speed rail

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Pravda laughs at American global warming hysteria

Jan. 6, 2012 By Katy Grimes Imagine my surprise when I found an article in Pravda mocking Western academics, scientists, environmentalists and government elites for using the cause célèbre of “man-made global warming” as a way to “control the lives and

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