Tag "Katy Grimes"

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California’s real debt $617 billion

Oct. 26, 2012 Katy Grimes: As California voters head out to vote on November 6, everyone should note that California’s real debt is not just the measly $16 billion that Gov. Jerry Brown and state Democrats bandy about; California’s real

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New small biz survey supposedly supports tax increases

Oct. 26, 2012 By Katy Grimes A new survey of 500 small businesses claims that a majority of small business owners want high income earners to be taxed more. This is difficult to believe, and amazing timing with the election

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Barking up the wrong tree for Prop. 30

Oct. 26, 2012 Katy Grimes: As Gov. Jerry Brown and his little dog Sutter criss-cross California campaigning at public schools for passage of his tax increases, students should quiz Brown on his math. University professors and instructors have made the

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Abuse of the disabled in state care detailed at hearing

Oct. 24, 2012 By Katy Grimes The most vulnerable people in California are caught in a bureaucratic nightmare with the state’s Department of Developmental Services. A Joint Senate Committee on Budget and Fiscal Review and Human Services held yet another hearing

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California Coastal Commission keeps grabbing land

Oct. 23, 2012 By Katy Grimes What do you get when you have a powerful state commission of 11 unremarkable people, which produces nothing, but regularly takes money and property from taxpaying citizens, while currying favors with others? I just

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The day after the election

Oct. 22, 2012 By Katy Grimes With the 2012 election in full swing, everyone’s focus seems to be on the candidates and ballot initiatives. We are inundated with ludicrous, often irrelevant political advertising. But what happens after the election? What

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The Weekly Standard: ‘A Taxing Proposition’

Oct. 20, 2012 Katy Grimes: The Weekly Standard just published a very good article about the taxing propositions in California this election, and what the repercussions might be should any of the measures pass. I was was quoted in the

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CARB tightens regs, partners with cops

Oct. 19, 2012 By Katy Grimes SACRAMENTO — The monthly meeting of the California Air Resources Board on Thursday was nothing more than a mutual admiration society and big tax-and-spend club. After board members shared esteem for one another and

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Global warming is baaaack

Oct. 18, 2012 By Katy Grimes First there was “global warming.” Then it became “climate change” when warm temperatures cooled. But in California, the California Environmental Protection Agency is promoting global warming again. “State releases plan to deal with extreme

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Obama’s Libya hyperbole dominates debate

Oct. 17, 2012 Katy Grimes: Unlike the first Presidential debate, President Barack Obama showed up to last night’s contest. But he brought his defensive, testy, argumentative, and rather condescending self to the match, and it’s understandable why. Obama does not have much

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