Tag "Katy Grimes"

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State muscles grocers over plastic bags

Aug. 21, 2012 Katy Grimes: The plastic bag activists are at it again, and they are nothing, if not persistent. With the eleventh bill regulating plastic bags in less than 10 years, grocery stores don’t have a chance in California. Passed

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Prop 39 and AB 1500: A taxing alliance

August 20, 2012 By Katy Grimes The passage of AB 1500 by the Assembly last week demonstrates the gargantuan disconnect California Democrats have with elementary economics, as well as the economics of education. AB 1500 would raise taxes on businesses and

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Report: carbon emissions lowest in 20 years!

Aug. 17, 2012 Katy Grimes: Apparently the big news that the amount of carbon dioxide being released into the atmosphere in the United States has fallen to the lowest level in 20 years, hasn’t yet reached the desk of Mary Nichols,

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‘Hiding information a recurring theme’ for state

Aug. 17, 2012 By Katy Grimes The recent blockbuster news that the California Department of Parks and Recreation has squirreled away $54 million in special funds over the last 12 years has caused the California Legislature to jump on board

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Taxpayers will foot bill for state worker ‘savings’

Aug. 16, 2012 Katy Grimes: With the recent payroll and vacation buyout scandal at the state Parks and Recreation Department, state worker compensation is under a microscope, and should be. Despite that microscope and public scrutiny, it appears that in

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Union pushing audit of CSU Extension ed

Aug. 16, 2012 By Katy Grimes The Joint Legislative Audit Committee hearing last week was a mini civics lesson in what is going on in state politics, and what bad policy the state’s special-interest groups and labor unions are continually

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Maviglio wrong on tax increase aftermath

Aug. 15, 2012 By John Seiler I like Steve Maviglio, the longtime Democratic and union activist and spokesperson, because he summarizes what those he represents are thinking. So it’s worth reading what he says on the the legislative vote for

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Robbing business to pay for education

August 14, 2012 By Katy Grimes SACRAMENTO — Even in California, there are lawmakers who recognize that the “Middle Class Scholarship” bill is just one more attempt to tax businesses to help expand California’s growing education welfare system. AB 1500, by

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Steinberg offers weak apology over hearing blackout

Aug. 14, 2012 By Katy Grimes Sen. Pres pro Tem Darrell Steinberg offered a weak apology Monday for cutting off access to the Capitol cable television program last week, which was recording an important Senate hearing about four of the November ballot

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Fiorina delivers fiery speech for CA GOP

Aug. 13, 2012 By Katy Grimes BURBANK — Mitt Romney’s announcement Saturday that Rep. Paul Ryan would be joining him on the Republican ticket fired up the California Republican Convention. That evening, more fireworks came from Carly Fiorina, the former

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