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Tag "mass poverty"

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54% of Latino men in L.A. County fear going hungry

While the Census Bureau’s decision to begin issuing poverty rate statistics that include cost of living has established California as the state with the highest percentage of impoverished residents, most media coverage hasn’t focused on the more specific poverty statistics

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LAT: All hail ‘economic stability,’ surpluses achieved by Gov. Brown

The ability of Gov. Jerry Brown to convince the state press corps that he has righted California’s listing ship continues to amaze. The Golden State has by far the highest poverty rate in the nation. One in six adults can’t

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L.A. Times, Sac Bee: Political process success=real progress. Groan.

What defines the success of a state: the welfare and happiness of its people or its ability to pass a budget on time? This is the maddening question that should hang over all the stories depicting Jerry Brown as some

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State media, Jerry Brown ignore CA’s worst-in-nation poverty rate

If you were a resident in the state with the nation’s highest poverty rate, wouldn’t you think you’d be aware of that fact? That a higher percentage of your family, friends, neighbors and others in your community struggled to make

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