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Tag "Michael Kirst"

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Education Secretary DeVos explicitly OKs controversial state school evaluations

A nearly year-long fight between the Trump administration and the California state government over school accountability ended with an unexpected twist last week when U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos (pictured) explicitly endorsed a state student progress metric that reformers

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Trump administration tussling with California over federal education mandate

The Trump administration turns out to share the Obama administration’s disappointment with California’s efforts to hold schools and school districts accountable for improving students’ academic performance. After President Barack Obama took office in 2009 and installed Arne Duncan as secretary

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State defies U.S. edict on single score for schools

The state of California appears to be on a collision course with the federal government over how it responds to a school accountability provision in the Every Student Succeeds Act, the measure approved last year to replace the controversial and

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Brown may hint at Vergara plans with state education board picks

Gov. Jerry Brown has been vague about whether he agrees with the incendiary premise of last June’s decision in the Vergara case: that state teacher tenure and job protection laws are so likely to steer poor teachers to struggling mostly

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