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Tag "New Jersey"

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Fear of PokerStars hangs over CA poker debate

California gamblers’ dream of having legal internet poker in the Golden State suddenly seems closer than ever, thanks to proponents’ decision to include in pending legislation a de facto subsidy of at least $60 million annually to struggling racetracks. But

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Mercedes also flees to lower-tax state, shuns CA

Toyota’s HQ last year fled high-tax California for low-tax Texas. In 2005, Nissan split the Golden State for the Volunteer State, Tennessee, for the same reason. Now Mercedes is moving its HQ from high-tax New Jersey — basically, California with

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Think tank explained CA’s affordable housing debacles long ago

A weekend story about the gross failure of affordable housing policies in San Francisco contained plenty of public frustration and official consternation. But it also is one more example of the very shallow way this issue is almost always covered

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CA is NOT the highest taxed state

You’ve probably heard California has the nation’s highest taxes. Wrong. We’re only third-worst, behind even worse New York and New Jersey, according to a new survey by the Tax Foundation’s new 2015 State Business Tax Climate Index. Broken down, California ranks

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Why Prop. 13 is more crucial than ever

Every year brings attempts to gut Proposition 13, the 1978 tax limitation measure. It limits yearly increases in property taxes to 2 percent of the assessed value, beginning when the property was purchased. The original rate is 1 percent of

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Laffer flat tax would make California boom

April 6, 2012 By Brian Calle and Josephine Djuhana It should come as no surprise that the economic growth rates and prosperity for states with excessive regulations and taxes are much lower when compared to states with fewer regulations and

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