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Tag "Richard Nixon"

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Many of California’s congressional Democrats skipping inauguration

At least 15 of the 39 House Democrats from California are planning to boycott the presidential inauguration of Republican Donald Trump, according to multiple reports.  The reasons range from district work, to disdain for Trump, to responding to Twitter polls.

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Dislike of Clinton, Trump creates third-party moment

If there was ever an opportunity for a third-party run, now would be it. Unfavorable opinions among voters of both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton — the presumptive presidential candidates of the Republican and Democratic parties, respectively — create a

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Study of Los Angeles: Prosperity increases income inequality

Coverage of income inequality is shockingly slanted and inept. Lazy, populist demonization of the 1 percent is the standard default starting position for explaining why poor people make a small fraction of what the very wealthy do. But as I’ve

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Nathan Fletcher channels Nixon press secretary in disowning his own bogus claim

If you’re a candidate whose authenticity is open to question because of extreme, always self-serving shifts in your views, you really, really, really don’t want to be caught in an, er, obvious fib. So one would think that union-bashing Republican

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Misery Index about to soar in CA, US

Feb. 22, 2013 By Chriss Street The  “Misery Index” is inflation plus the unemployment rate. For example, today the U.S. unemployment rate is 7.9 percent and inflation is 1.7 percent. So the “Misery Index” (rounding off) is 10 points. Anything above

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Real Culprits in CA Housing Crash

Jan. 11, 2013 By Joseph Perkins As the California economy continues slowly to recover from the collapse of its once-thriving housing sector, the banking industry is trying to close its books on the financial disaster. This week, Bank of America

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Do Dem or Rep presidents most help the poor?

Dec. 3, 2012 By John Seiler Sometimes I wonder if people can think anymore. Today the L.A. Times ran an op-ed piece, “Why the poor favor Democrats.” Subheadline: “Data show unequivocally that minorities do better under Democratic administrations than under

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Middle class being wiped out

Dec. 2, 2012 By John Seiler It’s not just the recent economic and political nonsense by both parties that’s hurting the middle class. It’s more than four decades of it. A new study finds: “The median net worth of American households

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Jerry Brown pulls a Nixon

May 10, 2012 By Chriss Street “Only Nixon could go to China” is a political metaphor referring to the ability of a politician with an unassailable reputation among his supporters for staunchly representing and defending their values, to take actions

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Hahn Victory Portends Obama Defeat

JULY 13, 2011 By JOHN SEILER Yesterday Democrat Janice Hahn beat Republican Craig Huey to fill the 36th Congressional District, a severely gerrymandered district covering much of Southwest Los Angeles. But her victory total, getting just 55 percent, was a

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