Tag "Ron Smith"

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For 2nd straight election, inattention leads to huge Assembly upset

In 2012, Republican officials were appalled at the incompetence of Lancaster City Councilman Ron Smith, a Republican who somehow managed to lose a safe Assembly seat to a Democrat with so much baggage he looked like a muni airport where

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Huff, Conway skipped ballot verification for legislative junkets

March 6, 2013 By John Hrabe Nero may have fiddled as Rome burned. At least he was in the city when it happened. The same can’t be said for the leaders of the California Senate and Assembly Republican caucuses, who

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Brulte: 2012 Assembly GOP lost because ‘We got lazy’

March 4, 2013 By John Hrabe Jim Brulte was elected chairman of the California Republican Party in a landslide vote on Sunday. But despite winning support from 90 percent of convention delegates, the former state senator kept campaigning until the

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