Tag "Sacramento establishment"

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CA media finds de Leon guilty of not being Steinberg

There has been steady turnover in the leadership of the state Assembly every few years, so there is plenty of evidence that most new speakers get the equivalent of a honeymoon. Certainly that’s been true of current Speaker Toni Atkins,

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Sacramento pack somehow perceives well-run state government

Happy Fourth, everyone! In January 2008. Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger said that he backed state lawmakers’ push to revise strict term limits for a specific reason. In response to a question I asked him at an editorial board meeting, Arnold said

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Rare candor on CA joblessness — but not in Times or Bee, of course

With nearly one in five California adults who want to work full-time unable to find such a job, it should be obvious that unemployment is the biggest issue in the state. It explains why California has the highest poverty rate

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CA media still eager for higher taxes

The way that Sacramento beat reporters judge developments is so much different than the way a typical California adult would. Consider what the Los Angeles Times’ Marc Lifsher wrote about the agenda of Gov. Jerry Brown after the Legislature ended

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