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Tag "State Building and Construction Trades Council of California"

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Unions, Santa Clara Democrats’ disclosure reports don’t match

A Bay Area Democratic campaign committee, which has transferred tens of thousands of dollars to targeted legislative candidates, is facing questions about discrepancies found in its campaign finance disclosure reports. In at least two instances, the Santa Clara County Democratic

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Brown still a friend of unions; signs SB 776

While Gov. Jerry Brown may have averted a strike by the Bay Area Rapid Transit workers, he’s no union buster. Brown just signed today, SB 776 by Sen. Ellen Corbett, D-San Leandro, which will eliminate independent monitoring and enforcement of prevailing wage laws.

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SB 776 bumping off prevailing wage compliance

A big labor union in the state wrote a bill to defund a non-profit that actually recovers money for workers who are cheated out of wages by unscrupulous contractors. SB 776, authored by Sen. Ellen Corbett, D-San Leandro, but written

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