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Tag "Taxes"

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Republicans Finally Get Some Sense

John Seiler: Republicans finally are wising up to a strategy I suggested to them long ago: Use the initiative process much more often to protect taxpayers and businesses and jobs. The GOP’s minority status means they have almost no influence

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Investment Tax Credit Could Boost CA Jobs

MARCH 25, 2011 By KATY GRIMES One senator is trying to offer California manufacturers a break to help stimulate business growth. But even his modest sales-tax credit was met with resistance in a hearing at the Capitol on Wednesday. Inland

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Wealthy and Poor California Spongers

MARCH 24, 2011 Sponges come in all shapes and sizes. And some sponges are much more absorbent. Unfortunately for Californians, the freeloading sponges in the state are soaking up more than ever as California sinks deeper into a sinkhole of

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Steve Lopez Misleads on Tax Hike

John Seiler: Today L.A. Times columnist Steve Lopez makes it seem as if, as his headline puts it, “Saving the state would cost $260” each per year. Never mind that saving $100,000 pensions from cuts isn’t exactly “saving the state.”

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Seiler Plan to Balance the Budget

John Seiler: Why didn’t somebody think of this before? Balancing the state budget is easy. I call it the Seiler Plan to Balance the Budget. The  budget deficit is $25 billion. Gov. Jerry Brown has proposed $13 billion in budget

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Calif. Labor Federation Tweet-fest

Katy Grimes: You’ve just got to love Twitter for those moments in life when reporters are banned from covering events. Yesterday and today, the California Labor Federation’s joint legislative conference has been in full-swing, but was announced as closed to

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Ark. Dems Cut Taxes: Why Not Ours?

John Seiler: Yes, it can be done. Arkansas’ Democratic Gov. Mike Beebe actually is cutting taxes. He was re-elected last year after cutting taxes in his first term. And both houses of the Arkansas legislature also are controlled by Democrats.

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Riverside-San B. Jobless Worst in US

John Seiler: I keep pointing out that the biggest crisis in California is not the state budget deficit of $26 billion, but the state’s staggering 12.4 percent jobless rate. Only Nevada is worse at 14.2 percent. Jobs First, I say:

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Dispense With the GOP Convention

John Seiler: Here’s one way Republicans really can help California: Cancel their convention this weekend. Save the money and invest it in local businesses. Or just go to local bars in their home districts and get drunk. The entire California

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Jobs First

John Seiler: Anti-tax folks seem to have a hard time pushing their message. Everything gets wrapped up in a “deal,” real or imagined, with Gov. Jerry Brown to put a vote on his $12 billion tax increase before voters in

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