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Tag "waste"

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L.A. Controller’s audit reveals overtime pay abuse

Los Angeles City Controller Ron Galperin released an audit on Tuesday outlining excessive overtime use in the Department of Transportation. The controller’s office received an anonymous tip from its Fraud Waste & Abuse Hotline and was able to “identify four supervisors

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Groups sue city of Sacto over disqualified petitions

Sacramento Taxpayers Opposed to Pork, and Voters for a Fair Arena Deal filed a lawsuit Wednesday Jan. 28, against the city of Sacramento, to put the use of public subsidies for a new basketball arena to a public vote. STOP and

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Health Dept. shuts down 11-year old’s cupcake biz

If there was ever a stark reminder of our over-abundant government, the story of 11-year old Chloe Stirling who ran a mini cupcake business in Troy, Ill. has been shut down by callous bureaucrats. Chloe Stirling is a young entrepreneur, and embodies the

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Sacto City Clerk rejects petition to put arena subsidy to a public vote

In another twist in Sacramento’s arena derangement syndrome, a petition drive to put a public subsidy for the proposed Sacramento basketball arena project to a public vote, has been rejected by the Sacramento City Clerk. Friday, the city clerk announced

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Hearing reveals DTSC clogged with regulatory problems

The new year brought the implementation of complex new state legislation passed in 2013 dealing with toxic waste in California. Businesses also must prepare for yet more legislation that was enacted in 2013, but will become effective in 2015. The

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Arena lawsuit: Sacramento officials will be deposed

The judge's order in the Sacramento arena lawsuit is in: Sacramento City Councilman Kevin McCarty and Sacramento Economic Development Director Jim Rhinehart will be deposed about undisclosed dealings between city officials and the new Kings ownership group to help it buy

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Gov. Brown's budget largely ignores massive debt

SACRAMENTO — Gov. Jerry Brown yesterday released his state budget proposal for fiscal year 2014-15, which begins on July 1, with spending sharply higher than last year, despite promises of fiscal restraint. The governor’s $155 billion total spending plan increases the general fund

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How will Brown budget proposal address pensions, taxes, debt?

California's budget battles will begin on Friday when Gov. Jerry Brown releases his proposal for fiscal year 2014-15, which begins on July 1. The media and political buzz in the Capitol building is that the state has a surplus — and

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Gerawan Farming files constitutional challenge against ALRB

Gerawan Farming is fed up. On Dec. 16, Gerawan filed a constitutional challenge against the California Agricultural Labor Relations Board, with the United Farm Workers of America as a “Real Party of Interest.” It was filed with the California Court of Appeal, Fifth

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