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I *heart* county government!

Katy Grimes: From California’s busy legislature comes another astute resolution, ACR 121 authored by Assemblywoman Connie Conway, R-Yulare, naming April, “County Government month.”

Yeah haw! Three cheers for county government! I *heart* county government!

According to the Author, “[t]his resolution seeks to recognize the nation’s 3,068 counties, including California’s 58 counties, about the variety of essential public services they provide, as well as raise public awareness and understanding about the roles and responsibilities of county government in our communities.”

Sadly, ACR 121 is nothing big but another example of waste, hypocrisy and the failure of the California legislature to approve a real budget.

In light of California’s current crumbling economy and fiscal standing, as well as and the growing financial crisis in California, we should question why the Legislature is handing praise to any branch of government — especially when a huge portion of the blame is directly related to local governments. Gross county mismanagement and badly negotiated union contracts have contributed dramatically to the current economic meltdown in California.

California residents are paying so much more these days to deliver local government services, which are not performing well, probably because the single biggest line item in the cost increases is employee compensation, edging out the performance of the actual services.

Let’s offer a hearty thank you to Assemblywoman Conway for pandering to the state’s local labor unions for demanding more and providing less.

Conway’s praise in ACR 121 to California’s highways would be laughable were they not in such deplorable condition. ACR 121 reads, WHEREAS, Counties own and operate more than one-third of California’s maintained road miles. Counties are responsible for ensuring the safety and mobility of the traveling public, farm-to-market and multimodal needs, and the movement of people and goods necessary for a strong economy.

Where does Assemblywoman Conway live? The roads in Maryland are far better than California’s pot-holed, pock marked, torn up aging highways and streets.

The final insult is Conway’s ode to the counties elected officials:  WHEREAS, County elected officials, managers, and employees work each day to improve the quality of life for all Californians by promoting healthy and sustainable communities and environments where residents can work, learn, and play.

Is this a joke? Because if it is, no one in California is laughing.

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