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Worst Campaign Ever

Katy Grimes: ( read below for an UPDATE) I received a link to a hilarious website today called the “Worst Campaign In History,” done by John and Ken of KFI radio in Southern California. The webpage lists many of the Meg Whitman campaign people, each with a snarky paragraph about their respective campaign crimes.

John and Ken created the site so you can “see for yourself how ridiculous, hilarious, pathetic, dispicable, corny, incompetent, and absolutely unemployable for any job in politics ever again these folks are.”

Called “The Dirty 30,” the site lists such political campaign consultant regulars as Henry Gomez, Whitman’s “top chief,” former California Governor Pete Wilson, campaign consultants Mike Murphy and Rob Stutzman, and identifies Barajas, “Meg Whitmans latino outreach coordinator. Enough said.”

Politicians Kevin McCarthy, Tony Strickland and Darrell Issa are assailed for being connected or supportive of Whitman, but by far the funniest feature was about former Secretary of State (to Ronald Reagan) George Schultz: “is old. We are convinced that he thinks Meg Whitman is Margeret Thatcher, like the real one. Not like he thinks Meg could be like Thatcher, but actually is Margaret Thatcher. Also, we believe that he isnt thinking he is fighting global warming, we believe that he thinks its global war. Schultz did himself no justice by putting his old ass and reputation on the line for Meg, though we are convinced he doesnt actually know any of this anyway.”

By the way – Schultz was born in 1920.

And I agree that Whitman’s campaign was probably one of the worst political debacles, ever.

UPDATE: The link from the “Worst Campaign In History” no longer leads to the John and Ken KFI website – very interesting, and  makes me wonder who really posted this… but it’s still pretty funny.

I hate it when disingenuous political operatives pull this kind of bullcrap, whoever they are. (7:30 p.m.)

– Katy Grimes

NOV. 1, 2010

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